Just a few friendly reminders for visitors at the Guest Dock and day parking at the Boat Ramp:
- ANGLERS- Please do not clean fish in the Marina, guest dock, or parking lot.
- GUEST MOORAGE- The guest dock is available first come first served, we do not take reservations. You may pay by the day by depositing check or cash in the drop box at the top of the ramp.
- PARKING- The boat ramp has paid parking from 8am-6pm. You may arrive as early as 3:00am and prepay using the Flowbird App or by using Text-to-Pay. You will not start getting charged until 8:00am. For detailed info on using the app go to the parking section of the Port's website.
- Please no parking on the grass; it destroys our irrigation and landscaping. Violators will be ticketed.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEXT TO PAY- Marina boat ramp parking lot and DMV gravel lot:
- Open a new text message and type in the number 727563
- In the message field, type in the name of the parking zone: MARINA
- Follow the link to enter your payment details, license plate number, and desired time frame.

- Annual Marina Boat Ramp Season Parking Passes are available online or at the Port office. Please go to the parking section of this website.
Columbia River mile reference 169.0

The Hood River Marina offers a protected harbor for boats with access to the Columbia River and is a hub of local recreation and activity. As part of Port Marina Park, Marina facilities include year-round and transient moorage for various-sized vessels, a public boat launch, fuel dock (with water and pump-out station), and the Yacht Club Building on the east end of the Hood River waterfront recreation area.
In addition to moorage, the Marina hosts the Gorge Junior Sailing program, and small watercraft launching for kayaks, rowing skulls, small sail craft and stand up paddle boards. Yacht club and sport activities combine to make the Marina a bustling, family-friendly facility complete with nearby park areas, lawn, beach and trails that provide areas for play, sports, or passive enjoyment.
Access to the Boat Marina is through Port Marina Park on the north side of Interstate-84 at Exit 64 and State Highway 35 near the Hood River Interstate Bridge.
The Hood River Marina currently offers close to 160 boat slips for long-term moorage in a secure facility. Slips are categorized for boats 30 feet and under in length, over 30 – 45 feet in length, and over 45 feet in length with a 66-feet maximum. A limited number of seasonal slips are offered on the South Basin Dock for boats under 20 feet in length.
NO ANCHORING allowed in the Marina Basin. All vessels that enter the Marina Basin must have current registrations and with the numbers affixed to the hull. Overnight vessels are welcome at the Guest Dock only and must pay at the drop box at the top of the boat ramp.
The Visitor Dock is available for short-term moorage for vessels under 60 feet in length on a first-come basis (overnight fees apply based on length of vessel).
The North Jetty Dock is for Commercial and large vessel use only. Reservations are required, please call 541 436-0797 for assistance.
The North Dock is reserved for Vessels 60 feet and over and small cruise ship vessels that visit Hood River.

Hood River Marina operates with an emphasis on safety and is certified as a “Clean Marina” by the State Marine Board. Boaters must observe local rules in addition to Coast Guard and Oregon State Marine Board rules, including the No Wake Zone. Straight entry and exit by boat to and from the Columbia River is recommended due to shallow water near the basin mouth. Complete Marina Rules and Regulations, including policies on subletting, utility charges, and the Marina Wait List for each category of vessel are available.
Due to the high demand for moorage, the Port of Hood River maintains a waitlist and plans to add boat slips and make improvements as funding permits.
On August 22, 2022, the Port of Hood River Commissioners made the decision to not renew the boathouse lease agreements for the Hood River Marina boathouse tenants. This difficult decision is based upon and made in consideration of all public comment received; Port policy; marina management practices; the future needs of all Hood River Marina and Waterfront patrons, guests and user groups; and the anticipated impact of the Port’s prioritized bridge replacement efforts. Pursuant to the rolling renewal provision of the Boathouse Lease Agreements, the Port hereby provides this written notice that Boathouse Lease Agreements will not be renewed for another five-year term. The term of the Boathouse Lease Agreements will expire on December 31, 2026. New leases will not be offered. Boathouse owners are responsible for having their boathouses removed from the Port of Hood River Marina at the end of term of the lease agreement. If you have any questions regarding this Notice of non-renewal, please contact the Marina Manager at 541-436-0797 or by email at
The Port of Hood River encourages all users practice safety, observe all rules, and exhibit respectful behavior. Enjoy the Hood River Marina!
Located off Exit 64, the Port’s Marina facilities offer moorage for over 160 vessels. The long waiting list underscores the popularity of this site for boaters. Other uses of the Marina include kayaking, small sailing craft, community education sailing classes, and Hood River Yacht Club activities. The dock on the north side is reserved for small cruiseship vessels that visit Hood River in the spring and fall seasons. The Marina has a short-term transient dock available for travelers. The rivermile reference is 169.0.
The Marina Beach offers plenty of grass and sand for families to enjoy the waterfront. The Hood River runs into the Columbia at this site and users should be aware of the strong currents in both rivers.
The Marina Green offers space for larger events and the Marina Park’s picnic shelter offers space for smaller family gatherings. All events should be coordinated through the Port Office.
A permit to construct the Hood River Marina basin was issued by the Corp of Engineers in 1968; construction work followed shortly after. The work constructed of installing groins, rip-rap breakwater and hydraulic fill to create a 24-acre enclosed basin and 19 acres of uplands.
Installation of docks, piling and upland improvements have progressed over the years based on demand and available funding. This included marina slips, a transient dock, fuel dock, boat ramp, commercial dock, restrooms, parking and office buildings. The Marina has been expanded several times over the years based on previous plans in place. Each expansion has attached to the existing dock systems and connected to available utilities.
The 2007 Marina Master Plan Study was conducted to develop a framework for future development of the basin and to guide system upgrades and infrastructure improvements.
On August 22, 2022, the Port of Hood River Commissioners decided not to renew any of the boathouse lease agreements for the Hood River Marina boathouse tenants. This difficult decision is based upon and made in consideration of all public comment received; Port policy; marina management practices; the future needs of all Hood River Marina and Waterfront patrons, guests and user groups; and the anticipated impact of the Port’s prioritized bridge replacement efforts. Pursuant to the rolling renewal provision of the Boathouse Lease Agreements, the Port hereby provides this written notice that Boathouse Lease Agreements will not be renewed for another five-year term. The term of the Boathouse Lease Agreements will expire on December 31, 2026. New leases are not expected to be offered. Boathouse owners are responsible for having their boathouses removed from the Port of Hood River Marina at the end of term of the 2014 lease agreement. If you have any questions regarding this Notice of non-renewal, please contact Marina Manager by telephone at 541-436-0797 or by email at